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Benefit Features Enquiry PowerX2011™
Building of PowerX2011™ Report

The PowerX2011™ Telecom Server features a built-in reporting module that is able to capture real time call statistics and management data and store them in a database. Call Statistics and management reports are then designed to tap on this database and customized to meet any customer requirements. Reports can be presented as hard copy reports or web-based reports. The data in the reports can also be exported to various formats such as Microsoft® Excel, Microsoft® Access, text, HTML etc. The report builder module is compatible with the leading industry report writer, Crystal Reports®.

Purpose of PowerX2011™ Report

The purpose of the PowerX2011™ Statistics, Management and Analysis Reporting module is to produce meaningful information for management to make informed decisions. With the reports generated, the company can accurately identify bottlenecks in traffic flow, existing quality of service and devise plans for improvement. The information can be used for invoicing purposes, or evaluating business costs or for mapping out business strategies. The PowerX2011™ Statistics, Management and Analysis Reporting module is suitable for all companies; regardless of size as all companies share the corporate goals of minimizing costs of operation and maximizing returns.

Benefit of PowerX2011™ Report
  • Control over operational costs: The PowerX2011™ Statistics, Management and Analysis Reporting module provides companies with actual data to enable reliable business plans and projections to be developed.
  • Increase in profit: With the PowerX2011™ Statistics, Management and Analysis Reporting module , timely decisions based on real time data can made.
  • Reduction in contingency costs: As the PowerX2011™ Statistics, Management and Analysis Reporting module is able to provide accurate reports based on real data, corporate planners can save on large sums of money put aside for contingency for expansion plans.
  • Effective monitoring: As the reports are hard copy evidence of call data, the information can be shared and used for analytical or investigative work regarding Contact Center agent performance, resource usage optimization and for planning purposes. With the information provided, supervisors and planners can identify pockets of weaknesses in the existing setup and take the necessary action to tackle the problem.
  • Greater accessibility: With the PowerX2011™ Statistics, Management and Analysis Reporting module , access to the reports are no longer confined to users with authorized workstations but to almost everybody and anybody the management deems fit as reports are available in hard printed copies. Hence the useful information contained in the reports can be made available to a wider audience without spending extra money on computer peripherals for each user.
  • Permanent record: The PowerX2011™ Statistics, Management and Analysis Reporting module provides users with a permanent printed record of the valuable call information. Without this, the information could be lost in the event of, say, system failure.
  • Monitoring of unauthorized/fraudulent usage: The reports generated can be used to identify any unauthorized usage of the company phone lines for web access or for special services via "1-900" numbers. Such services are usually of a personal nature and tend to be expensive. They include chat lines, horoscope services, playback of jokes, audio based games, contests, donations, etc. Any access to such services will be reflected along with the extension numbers of the caller.
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    Features of PowerX2011™ Report
  • Comprehensive Coverage: The PowerX2011™ telecom server is able to collect virtually all information relating to calls. This includes caller's data from the point of initial contact with the system right up till when the call reaches its destination and is ultimately terminated. The call data even covers all the internal extensions the call was routed to before it reached its final destination.
  • Extensive Call Data: As a result of the comprehensive coverage, the PowerX2011™ Statistics, Management and Analysis Reporting module can draw from a rich source of data for generation of its reports. Some of the common call data are e.g. data of call, time of call, duration of call, incoming call, outgoing call, call within internal extensions, number call is connected to, actual conversation (when optional call logging)
  • Real-time Data: The call information is automatically captured by the PowerX2011™ telecom server and immediately written to database that in turn feeds the data to the PowerX2011™ Statistics, Management and Analysis Reporting module. As the reporting module is built into the PowerX2011™ telecom server, the lag time in transmission of data is negligible. Thus the information is real time.
  • Permanent Storage: The PowerX2011™ Statistics, Management and Analysis Reporting module uses database to store all the data instead of relying on mere data buffers. This ensures that the data will not be lost.
  • Report Templates: The PowerX2011™ Statistics, Management and Analysis Reporting module is equipped with many standard reporting templates. Some of the templates are e.g. Traffic analysis, Call Statistics,
  • Customization: Besides the standard reporting templates, the PowerX2011™ Statistics, Management and Analysis Reporting module is designed with a report writer so that reports can be customized to meet specific user requirements
  • Presentation Modes: The PowerX2011™ Statistics, Management and Analysis Reporting module is packaged with a selection of presentation modes. These include printed hard copies, soft copies, web-based, online
  • Many export formats: The PowerX2011™ Statistics, Management and Analysis Reporting module is very versatile and can export to many formats. These include Microsoft®Excel, Microsoft®Access, text, HTML
  • Different styles: The resultant reports can be portrayed in different styles for maximum visual impact. These include text, spreadsheets, graphs, charts
  • Wide range of reports: The PowerX2011™ Statistics, Management and Analysis Reporting module can generate many types of reports to meet customer requirements. These include daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, batch reports, ad hoc on-the-fly
  • Secured Access: Password enabled login can be switched on to protect the data in the PowerX2011™ Statistics, Management and Analysis Reporting module .
  • Network Enabled: The PowerX2011™ Statistics, Management and Analysis Reporting module is fully network aware. When used in a network environment, sharing of reports is possible. The PowerX2011™ Statistics, Management and Analysis Reporting module is useful for all organizations, regardless of the sizes of the organizations and the industries they are in.
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